Create a role

You can create a new role:

  1. Click Administration in the toolbar.
  2. Click Roles.
  3. Click New role.
    The Create a new role window appears.
  4. Enter a name for the new role.
  5. Click and select a color.
    Tip: Selecting different colors for different roles, makes it easier to distinguish annotations from different roles.
  6. Enable or disable the settings:
    • Use as mail list

      This allows to send messages to all project members with the role.

    • Can send notifications and view history

      This allows to send notifications to other project members and to view the history.

    • Users have access to document revisions

      Project members can view the revisions of a document.

    • Users can change their profile
      Project members can edit their profile settings.
      Note: This setting is recommended.
    • Access to 'Reports' app

      Users can access the Reports tool.

    • Can create tasks

      Users can create tasks.

  7. Click Create.
    The Assign users to window appears.
  8. If applicable, assign existing or new users to the role:
    • Enter the email address of a user.
    • Click .

      The contact appears in the contact pane.

    • If applicable, add another user.
  9. If applicable, enable Send invitation mail.
  10. Click Add users to confirm, or click Skip this step if you do not want to assign users to the role.
The new role is displayed in the content pane.