Cancel a workflow

If you cancel a workflow, the workflow is put on hold. It is possible to activate the workflow again if necessary.

You can cancel one or more workflows:

  1. Click Files in the toolbar.
  2. Select the applicable (sub)folder in the tool menu.
  3. Select the applicable document(s) in the content pane.
  4. Click the ellipsis button at the top of the content pane.

    A context menu pops up.

  5. Click Cancel workflow.

    The Cancel workflows window appears.

  6. Select the workflow(s) you want to cancel.

    As an alternative, select Workflow name to cancel all workflows.

  7. Click OK.

A pop up window informs you that the workflows are successfully canceled.

Important: You need the appropriate permission to access the document.

In order to be able to cancel a workflow, as a user, you need to meet one of the following conditions:

  • Be the administrator of the project and have View access to the document.
  • Be the coordinator of the workflow and have View access to the document.
  • Be the owner (the user who uploaded the document) and have Edit access to the document.