Copy a role

You can copy a role:

  1. Click Administration in the toolbar.
  2. Click Roles.
  3. Select a role in the content pane.
  4. Click the ellipsis button at the top of the content pane.
    A context menu pops up.
  5. Click Copy role.
    The Copy role window appears.
  6. Enter a role name.
  7. Edit the applicable role details:
    • Enable or disable Use as mail list.
    • Enable or disable Can send notifications and view History.
    • Enable or disable Users have access to document revisions.
    • Enable or disable Users can change their profile.
    • Enable or disable Access to 'Reports' app.
    • Enable or disable Can create tasks.
    • Enable or disable Copy role access rights.
    • Enable or disable Copy role members.
  8. Click Copy.
A pop up window informs you that the role is successfully copied.