Create an annotation

You can add one or more annotations and inform project members:

  1. Go to the Files app.
  2. Click the file name.

    The document details window appears.

  3. Click Open in viewer.

    The Bricsys 24/7 Viewer opens.

  4. Click Add annotation in the menu bar.
  5. Select the type of annotation:
    • rectangle
    • ellipse
    • line
    • arrow
  6. Draw the shape in the area you want the annotation to cover.
  7. Enter a comment in the Subject field.
  8. If applicable, click More text... to enter a more elaborate comment.
  9. If applicable, click the paperclip icon to attach a document.
  10. If applicable, click on Public and select Private if you want to send the annotation only to selected users.

    Select contacts is displayed.

    Select the applicable project members.

  11. Click Post.
    • The annotation is displayed in the Bricsys 24/7 Viewer.
    • The counter indicates the updated number of annotations in the document.
    • A pop up window informs you that the annotation is uploaded.
  12. If applicable, click Send notification in the pop up window to inform users by email about changes in your project.
  13. Add the recipients in the To field.
  14. If applicable, edit the Subject.
  15. Write a message.
  16. Click Send.

    A pop up window informs you that the notification is sent. The recipients will receive an email with your message.