Generate a QR code

You can generate a QR code for a document:

  1. Click Files in the toolbar.
  2. Select the applicable folder.
  3. Select the document you want to create a QR code for.
  4. Click the ellipsis button at the top of the content pane.
    A context menu pops up.
  5. Click Generate QR code.
    The Generate QR code window appears.
  6. Select the option you want the QR code to link to:
    • Document details
    • View
    • Download
  7. Click Download.
    An image including the QR code is saved to your download folder.
  8. Scan the QR code to access the document.
Note: The user must log into the project with a Bricsys 24/7 account.
Note: The Generate QR code window displays an extra option for documents with multiple revisions.