Log in and select your preferred language

  1. Browse to https://my.bricsys247.com/app/.
    The login page appears.
  2. Enter your email address and password.
    Tip: Tick the Remember me checkbox to remain logged in until you manually log out.
    Note: If you forgot your password, click the corresponding link on the login page and submit your email address. Bricsys does not have the ability to change your password.
  3. Click Log in.
    The Bricsys 24/7 page appears.
  4. Click the profile icon/picture on the right side of the project bar.
  5. Click Personal details.
  6. In the DETAILS tab select your preferred language from the Language drop-down menu.
  7. Click the Save changes button.
    A pop up window informs you that the details are successfully saved.