Upload a zip file

You can upload one or more zip files:

  1. Click Files in the toolbar.
  2. Select the folder you want to upload to.
  3. Click Upload.

    A modal window appears.

  4. Select the zip file(s) you want to upload.
  5. Click Open (Windows) or Choose for Upload (macOS).

    The Uploading window appears.

  6. If applicable, add a status and a description per document, and select the appropriate options.

    In case the folder has metadata, more fields will appear in the Uploading window for you to fill in.

    Note: The available document statuses correspond to the project settings.
    Note: If you are uploading multiple zip files, you can click apply data to all uploads to copy the added information to all documents you want to upload.
    Note: If the file name already exists in the folder you want to upload to, you can:
    • Tick the Upload this document as a copy checkbox to upload the zip file as a separate file. If applicable, enter the required options.
    • Tick the Add as revision checkbox to upload the zip file as a revision of a selected zip file.
      Note: You can search for a zip file in the Add as revision of field.
    • Tick the Replace last revision checkbox to replace the last revision of the zip file with the newly added version.
  7. Tick the Unzip file after upload checkbox per zip file.
  8. Click Upload.

A pop up window shows the upload progress and informs you that the documents are successfully uploaded. The unzipped files are displayed in the content pane.