MVSETUP command

Creates multiple paper space viewports and edits them.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Creates multiple paper space viewports and then aligns, rotates and scales them.

Note: This command operates differently, depending on whether it starts in Model tab or Layout tab.
Note: This command can be entered transparently.


There are two methods to use MVSETUP command:

  • In Model tab.
  • In Layout tab.

Options within the command

Switches to Layout tab.
Stay in Model tab.
Pans the display in a viewport to align it with a base point in a reference viewport.
Note: Depending on the relative position of the two viewports, the display of the panned viewport might be shifted outside of the viewport boundary.
Pans the view in the second viewport is panned over the specified distance and angle.
Horizontal alignment
Pans the view in the second viewport vertically to align the base point and the anchor point horizontally.
Vertical alignment
Pans the view in the second viewport horizontally to align the base point and the anchor point vertically.
Rotate view
Rotates the view in the viewport by the specified angle.
Note: When the VPROTATEASSOC variable is ON, the display in a viewport is rotated if the viewport is rotated.
Undoes the previous action and returns to the options prompt.
Creates viewports in the current layout.
Delete objects
Deletes viewport entities.
2 - std. engineering
Creates 4 viewports preset to top, front, right and south-east isometric viewpoints.
3 - array of viewports
Creates a desired number of viewports.
Scale viewports
Specifies the scaling inside viewports.
Scale each viewport separately.
Scale all viewports equally.
Undoes all operations executed by the current MVSETUP command session.
Scales the viewport on a scientific scale.
Scales the viewport on a decimal scale.
Scales the viewport on an engineering scale.
Scales the viewport on an architectural scale.
Scales the viewport on a metric scale.