-XREF command
Attaches and detaches DWG files.

Alias: -XR
Controls DWG drawing files that are attached to the current drawing (short for external reference).
Options within the command
- ? to list external references
- Lists the names, paths and statuses of attached drawings, if any.
- Attach
- Opens the Select File to Attach dialog box to select a DWG file to attach. The Xref can be reloaded from the Attachments panel, and all its inserts including parametric ones are rebuilt.
- Overlay
- Opens the Select File to Overlay dialog box to select a DWG file to overlay.
- Bind
- Copies the contents of the attached drawing to the current drawing as a block reference. Parametric external references are converted to local parametric blocks.
- Detach
- Removes attached drawings.
- Path
- Changes the path (drive and folder) to the source DWG file, in case the original path no longer points to the file.
- Reload
- Reloads the attached drawing, after its content has changed.
- Unload
- Hides the attached drawing, but keeps it attached.