BIMSPLIT command

Splits segmented solids into separated solids.



Automatically splits segmented solids into separated solids and allows to split a solid using a selection of cutting faces.


Select a 3D solid or one or more faces.%;
  • To select a 3D solid, make sure that the value of SELECTIONPREVIEW system variable is 2 or 3; hover over the solid, then hit the TAB key until the whole solid highlights and click.
  • To select a face, place the cursor over a face and click. Faces highlight one by one, regardless of the value of SELECTIONPREVIEW or SELECTIONMODES system variables.
  • Inserts, such as windows and doors, which existed in the split solid are removed.

Select 3D solid:

Solid selected… …split into 3 separate solids


Two cutting faces selected… …split into 3 separate solids