ELLIPSE command

Creates an ellipse or elliptical arc.


Alias: EL


Create an ellipse or elliptical arc from a combination of options including the center, axis endpoints, axis radius, rotation angle, and included angle.
  1. 中心(C)
  2. First end of ellipse axis
  3. 指定椭圆轴第二端点
  4. End of other axis
  5. Major axis
  6. Minor axis

Methods to create an ellipse

This command has 3 methods to begin creating an ellipse:

  • First end of ellipse axis
  • 圆弧(A)
  • 中心(C)

If the PELLIPSE variable is set to 1, the Arc option is not available.

First end of ellipse axis
Begin creating an ellipse by specifying a point on the ellipse’s first axis then:
Specify the end point of the ellipse’s first axis.
Set other axis
Specify the radius of the other axis.
Additional option: [Rotation]
Begin creating an elliptical arc by specifying a point on the ellipse’s first axis then:
Additional options: [Center]
Specify the end point of the ellipse’s first axis.
Set other axis
Specify the radius of the other axis.
Additional options: [Rotation]
Set start angle of arc
Specify the start angle to define the arc’s starting point. The angle is measured counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis.
Additional option: [Parameter]
Specify the end angle to define the arc’s endpoint.
Additional options: [Parameter/Included angle]
  1. 起点角度
  2. 终点角度
  3. 夹角
Begin creating an ellipse by specifying its center point then:
Specify an endpoint of the ellipse’s first axis, measured from the center.
Set other axis
Specify an endpoint of the other axis, measured from the center.
Additional option: [Rotation]

Additional options within the ELLIPSE command

After you begin creating an ellipse, the following options may be available:

Specify the included angle, measured from the starting point.
Specify values for the parametric formula that defines the elliptical arc:
p(b) = c + a * cos(u ) = b * sin(u )


  • a = major axis.
  • b = minor axis.
  • c = center of the ellipse.
  • u = point along the arc.
Specify the angle of the ellipse around the major axis. The angle can vary between 0 and 89.9. An angle of 0 degrees draws a circle. An angle of 89.9 degrees draws a very thin ellipse.