Toggles the display of the hyperlink.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Toggles the display of the hyperlink cursor and URL tooltip and adds Hyperlink to the shortcut menu.

Options within the command

Display hyperlink cursor, tooltip and shortcut menu
Toggles the display of the "hyperlink" icon, tooltip displaying the URL, and the Hyperlink sub-menu on shortcut menus.
Note: The text of the tooltip is specified by the HYPERLINK command’s Hyperlink Description option.
Hyperlink menu
Right- click on the selected entity that contains hyperlinks, the Hyperlink item is added to the menu.
Open URL
Opens the location specified by the URL: a location on the Internet or a file with the associated application.
Note: This option executes the URL command.
Copy Hyperlink
Copies the URL to the Clipboard.
Note: The URL can be pasted into the drawing or other documents with the Ctrl + V shortcut or PASTECLIP command.
Edit Hyperlink
Opens the Edit Hyperlink dialog box.