Launches the manipulator widget to rotate, move, copy, mirror, and/or scale 2D entities and 3D models.



There are multiple methods to access the manipulator.

  • Manipulate command

    Select entities and press enter.

  • 导航
  • Long press an object

    Make sure the MANIPULATOR system variable is set right.


Select an axis
Moves the selection of entities along the selected axis.
Select an axis and enter the value of displacement or define the new position by specifying a point.
Select a plane
Moves the selection of entities in the selected plane.
Select a plane and enter the value of displacement or define the new position by specifying a point.
Select an arrowhead
Mirrors or scales the selection. By right clicking when hovering over the entity, a contexts menu with other options is displayed. There the function of an arrowhead can be changed between 3D mirror and 3D scale.
Select one of the arrowheads and specify the mirror axis or scale.
Select a rotation arc
Rotates the selection around one of the manipulator axes. Enter the rotation angle value or specify by clicking on a point in the drawing.
Select the anchor handle
Moves the manipulator. Specify a point to relocate.
Note: To copy the original entity so a new entity is created, hold down the Crtl-key before starting the axis or make sure the copy option is enabled.