SMREPAIR command

SmRepair restores the 3D solid model of a sheet metal part.



There are three methods:

  • Repair by thickening one of the sides
    Note: SmRepair restores the 3D solid model of a sheet metal part by thickening one of its sides. All thickness faces become perpendicular to the flange faces.
  • Repair of lofted bend features
    Note: Fixes problems specific to parts with lofted bend features. It merges adjacent bends and provides tangential connections with flanges.
  • Repair by converting bends
    Note: Converts incorrect bends to regular bends. If a single, incorrect bend is selected, it will be repaired. If a 3D solid is selected, then all incorrect bends will be converted to regular bends.

Options within the command

switch on Local repairing
Repairs one selected flange face, lofted bend face, thickness face or side edge. A body with thickness faces perpendicular to the selected face and without adjacent lofted bends will be created.
Note: The size and position of the opening on the selected face is preserved and the size and position of the opening on the opposite face is adjusted.
Before (flange face is selected) 之后
Before (incorrect bend face is selected) 之后
switch on Global repairing
Repairs all the incorrect flange faces, lofted bend faces, thickness faces or side edges from the selected solid. A body with thickness faces perpendicular to the selected face and without adjacent lofted bends will be created.
Note: The size and position of the opening on the selected face is preserved and the size and position of the opening on the opposite face is adjusted.
之前 之后
Searches and retains model parts that remain as separated bodies after repair.
Note: The scan tolerance is a fraction of the initial model volume. This fraction will be ignored and only larger bodies will be retained. For example, if the scan tolerance = 0.25, only parts with a volume that is larger than 25% of the initial body will be retained.
From left to right:
  • Initial model with an unrecognized form feature.
  • Model after SmRepair without scanning for lost details: the circular feature is removed.
  • Model after SmRepair with scanning for lost details. Two bodies are created: a horizontal flange with a hole and a separate body (highlighted in green color). The bodies can be unified with the Union command if required.