VIEW command
Opens the Drawing explorer dialog box with Views selected.

Opens the Drawing explorer dialog box with Views section selected to view and modify views in the current drawing.

Options within the command
- General
- Name
- Sets the name of the current view.
- Assigns a UCS. When the drawing contains no saved UCS’s, the droplist shows <None>. See the UCS and EXPUCS commands.
- Background
- Sets the background for the view. See the BACKGROUND command.
- Clip Display
- Assigns a clip display.
- Layer Snapshot
Toggles whether to assigned the current on and off settings of layers to the view.
- Yes: assigns the current visual state of layers, so that the next time you make this view current, the layers turn themselves on or off.
- No: does not assigns the current visual state of layers, so that the next time you make this view current, the layers do not turn themselves on or off.
- Visual Style
- Sets the visual style. See the VISUALSTYLES command.
- View
- Camera
- Specifies the camera point of the view in x,y,z coordinates in visual perspective mode.
- Target
- Specifies the target point of the view in x,y,z coordinates in visual perspective mode.
- Perspective
Toggles perspective view:
- On: view is displayed in visual perspective mode
- Off: view displays in parallel perspective mode
A camera glyph is displayed in the drawing for perspective views (see the CAMERA command).
- Lens Length
- Sets the lens length of the camera.
- Roll Angle
- Rotates the camera around the view axis.
- Width
- Specifies the width of the view in current units.
- Height
- Specifies the height of the view in current units.
- Clipping
- Front Plane
- Sets the distance between the target point and the front clipping plane.
- Back Plane
- Sets the distance between the target point and the back clipping plane.
- Clipping
- Toggles the clipping planes, which remove from any entities that are outside the planes.
Context Menu Options
- New
- Creates new named views.
- Delete
- Erases the named view from the drawing without warning.
- Rename
- Renames the view. 
- Select All
- Selects all view definitions. 
- Invert selection 
- Deselects the current selection and vice versa. 
- Set current
- Sets the selected view as current.