BIM BCF panel - Custom login dialog box

The BIM BCF Custom Log In dialog box allows you to connect to a cloud service to start collaborating on issues in the drawings.

Source URL

It is generally easier to use cloud services to manage BCF issues. If you wish to connect to these services from within BricsCAD BIM, you will need an account of these services first. This allows you to create issues and manage them in real-time from anywhere.

Note: It is not possible to create issues within BricsCAD BIM. The BCF panel allows you to connect to these services from within BricsCAD BIM, log into your account and add comments, screenshots or change statuses of existing issues.

To connect to a cloud service, insert in the Source URL field one of the following Cloud services:

Cloud Service Source URL
BIMcollab <space name> *
Note: * The Source URL for BIMcollab includes the name of the space you bought. If using a free account, use

Log in

Connects you to the cloud service. You are asked to insert the e-mail address and the password to connect.

After you successfully log in, you can close the browser window and start collaboration on issues in BricsCAD.

  1. Source URL
  2. Search
  3. Project list
Source URL
Displays the source URL.
Displays only the projects filtered by the word you type in the search bar.
Project list
Displays the list of projects that you are involved in.

Project list

After you left-click the project will open it and show a list of the issues. When you left-click on an issue, this dialog box will open.

  1. Issue name
  2. Issue overview
  3. Details
  4. Thumbnail image
  6. Preview
  7. Browse
  8. Screenshot
  9. Remove
  10. Comment
  11. Add comment
Issue name
Displays the name of the opened issue.
Issue overview
Returns you to the issue overview.
Displays detailed information about the issue, such as status, author and creation date.
Thumbnail image

If the comment has an associated camera position, then clicking the thumbnail image will take the camera in the current drawing to this position.

This is useful if you want to know where exactly the issue is, and you do not want to manually search through the model.

Displays the comments on the issue.
Displays a preview of the issue after you press the button no. 8.
Opens the Select a viewpoint for this comment dialog box.
Insert a screenshot from model space in the preview field (no. 6).
Removes the screenshot preview.
Allows you to insert a comment for an issue.
Add comment
Adds the comment you have inserted in field no. 10 to an existing issue.