BIM Properties dialog box

The BIM Properties dialog box allows you to create, edit and delete property definitions and to organize properties in property sets.

  1. Namespace
  2. Add Set
  3. Add Property
  4. Add Value
  5. Move up button
  6. Move down button
  7. Remove
  8. Filter
  9. Properties
  10. Properties Tree
  11. Import
  12. Export


By default, 3 namespaces are available:
  • IFC2X3: shows the IFC2x3 properties; is read-only. This namespace contains properties that are defined by the IFC2X3 schema.
  • Quantity: shows the quantities properties; is read-only.
  • User: allows you to create user defined properties.

It is also possible to import namespaces, using the Import button.

  • Classification System: allows you to organize your BIM models with standard classification codes that are used in the construction industry.

Add Set

Creates a new property set.

Add Property

Adds a new property to the currently selected property set.

Add Value

Creates a new value definition.


Removes the selected property set, property definition or value definition.

Move up button

Moves up the selected property or value.

Move down button

Moves down the selected property or value.


Displays only the properties of which the Id and Label contain the search string typed. The properties tree is filtered as you type.


Displays the properties of the selected property sets, property definitions and value definitions.

Properties Tree

Displays the property sets, property definitions and value definitions.


Opens the Select XML file to import dialog box.


Exports all property sets (properties/quantities) defined in the drawing to an XML file. This file can be used to import in another drawing.

Note: If the IFCEXPORTMULTIPLYELEMENTSASAGGREGATED system variable is set to ON, value definitions for visible Ply-elements are also exported.