New Sheet(s) dialog box

The New Sheet(s) dialog box allows you to create (a) new sheet(s) within an existing sheet set. You can open it by right-clicking on a sheetset, subset or sheet in the Sheet Set Manager panel and selecting New Sheet(s)... from the context menu.

There are two methods to add new sheet(s):

  1. Create from scratch, add new drawing
  2. Import layouts from existing drawings

Create from scratch, add new drawing

Allows you to create a new sheet from scratch.

  1. Number
  2. Title
  3. File name
  4. Folder path
  5. Template
  6. Add Sheet
Defines the numbering of the created sheets.
  • Prefix: specifies the prefix of the file name
  • Number from: specifies the start of the numbering of the file name
  • Leading zeroes: specifies how the Number value of new sheets is formatted by adding zeroes at the start of a sheet number.
Defines the title of the new sheet(s).
File name
Defines the name of the file in which the new sheet(s) will be saved.
Folder path
Defines the location of the file.
Defines the template of the new sheet(s).
Add Sheet
Creates a new sheet.
Note: This option is only enabled once the title is defined.

Import layouts from existing drawings

Allows you to create a new sheet by importing layouts of existing drawings.

  1. Add drawing(s)…
  2. Imported layouts
  3. Number
  4. Automatic numbering
  5. Sheet titles
  6. Add Sheet
Add drawing(s)...
Selects drawings to import layouts from through the Select Drawing(s) dialog box.
Imported layouts
Lists the layouts that will be imported from the selected drawing. Untick the layouts that should not be imported.
Note: When importing layouts from a drawing that is not part of the project, the drawing is first copied to the project folder.
Defines the numbering of the imported sheets.
  • Prefix: specifies the prefix of the file name.
  • Number from: specifies the start of the numbering of the file name.
  • Leading zeroes: specifies how the Number value of new sheets is formatted by adding zeroes at the start of a sheet number.
Automatic numbering
Numbers the layouts automatically.
Sheet titles
Specifies how the selected drawing should be listed by selecting one of the options in the drop-down list.
  • Drawing name: displays the drawing name of the selected drawings.
  • Drawing name- Layout name: displays the drawing name and the layout name of the selected drawings.
  • Layout name: displays the layout name of the selected drawings.
Add Sheet
The new sheet(s) are created.