Text system variables

System variables can be set using the Settings dialog box.

Variable Name Variable Title Description
FONTALT Alternate font Defines the font which will be used if a text font cannot be found.
HIDETEXT Hide text on hide Specifies whether the HIDE command processes text entities.
MIRRTEXT Mirror text Determines whether text is mirrored by the MIRROR command or not.
MTEXTED Multiline text editor Sets the primary and secondary text editors to use for multiline text entities.
MTEXTFIXED Multiline text fixed Controls whether BricsCAD zooms, rotates and/or pans the view to fit the Mtext being edited.
QTEXTMODE Quick text mode Controls how text entities are displayed. If ON, displays text as a box.
TEXTANGLE Text angle Stores the angle of the last added text entity.
TEXTFILL Text fill Determines whether True Type fonts show as either filled or outlined.
TEXTQLTY Text quality Defines the smoothness of True Type fonts for plotting and rendering.
TEXTSIZE Text size Sets the default height for new text entities.

TEXTSIZE has no effect if the current text style has a fixed height.

TEXTSTYLE Text style Stores the name of the current text style.
TSPACEFAC Text space factor Specifies the line spacing distance of multiline text measured as factor of the text height.

Values between 0.25 and 4 are accepted.

TSPACETYPE Text space type Specifies the type of line spacing used for multiline text. At least: adjusts line spacing based on the tallest character(s) in a line. Exactly: used the specified line spacing, regardless of in individual character sizes.
TSTACKALIGN Text stack align Determines the vertical alignment of stacked text: bottom, center or top.
TSTACKSIZE Text stack size Specifies the percentage a which the stacked text fraction height is relative to the current height of the selected text.

Values between 25 and 125 are accepted.