Polar tracking

Polar tracking (POLAR) allows you to draw at exact angles:

  • At fixed intervals, starting from 3 o'clock (East).
  • At specific additional angles.

A polar tracking path line displays from the origin point when you move the cursor close to one of the polar tracking angles. The tracking path lines display as long as the Snap Aperture box overlaps the polar tracking line.

In 3D views an additional tracking line displays parallel to the Z-axis of the current UCS.

Snap track lock: to lock a snap track path hit the Shift key. To unlock a track path, hit Shift again: it works as a toggle. Locked tracking paths display in the color defined by the SnapMarkerColor user preference.

  • The display of the tracking path line is controlled through the TRACKPATH system variable.
  • The color of the tracking path line is controlled through the AutoTrackingVecColor user preference.
  • Tracking paths parallel to the X-, Y- or Z-axis of the current coordinate system (WCS or UCS) display in the color of the axis they are parallel with (defined by COLORX , COLORY or COLORZ variables).
  • Turning on POLAR automatically disables ORTHO (Orthogonal Mode) and vice versa.
  • The ANGBASE system variable defines the base angle of the tracking lines with respect to the current coordinate system.

Defining the tracking settings

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Right click on the POLAR or the STRACK field in the Status Bar, then right click and select Settings in the context menu.

    • Open the Settings dialog and expand the Coordinate input subcategory under Drafting in the Drawing settings class.

      Expand the Snap Tracking settings group.

  2. Adjust the settings:
    • AUTOSNAP system variable: controls the behavior of Polar Tracking and whether polar tracking and/or entity snap tracking is active.
    • POLARANG system variable: sets the polar angle increment in degrees; default = 90.
    • POLARADDANG system variable: sets additional angles; separate angles by semicolons.
    • POLARMODE system variable: controls the behavior of polar and entity snap tracking.
      • Relative: the angles are measured with respect to the direction of the snapped entity; otherwise angles are measured according to the current coordinate system (WCS or UCS).
      • Use polar angle settings for entity snap tracking also.
      • Whether additional angles (POLARADDANG) are used or not.
      • Use the Shift key to acquire entity snapping points.
    • TRACKPATH system variable: controls whether and how the track paths display: full screen or partially.

Locking a tracking line

Press the Shift key while a snap track marker line displays to lock a tracking path, any (snap)point that is picked will be projected perpendicularly onto the tracking path. Press the Shift key again to unlock.

A locked tracking path changes to the color defined by the SnapMarkerColor user preference.

Using temporary tracking points

When Polar Tracking is ON, temporary tracking points can be used to pick points at locations where no existing geometry is available to snap directly to, while you know the desired offset distance(s) from snap points on existing geometry. It is recommended to have dynamic dimensions (DYN) active as well.

  1. Whenever a command prompts for a point, do one of the following:

    • Click the middle mouse button (mouse wheel).

    • Activate the Temporary tracking points entity snap mode ().

    • Type TK in the Command line and press Enter.

      The command is suspended temporarily.

      You are prompted: Specify first temporary tracking point:

  2. Enter a point, for example use an entity snap to specify a point.

    You are prompted: Specify next temporary tracking point (press ENTER to end).

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Enter a point.

    • Press Enter to accept the last temporary tracking.

      The command resumes.