How can I install run VBA?


I cannot install / run VBA.


  • BricsCAD versions V17 or higher: need to run the BricsCAD-VBA-Runtime.exe installer.
  • BricsCAD versions V14 to V16: A 64-bit BricsCAD version has been installed. However VBA only works on 32-bits versions of BricsCAD.
  • BricsCAD versions before V14: VBA is not installed in trial mode.
  • BricsCAD Lite is installed, while VBA is installed only with the Pro version.


  • BricsCAD versions V17 or higher: After installing BricsCAD, the installation includes a separate installer (BricsCAD-VBA-Runtime.exe) located in the folder VBA of the BricsCAD installation. This installer still needs to be explicitly executed (=run) in order to make the local BricsCAD installation 'VBA-ready'.
  • Install BricsCAD Pro. VBA will be installed, also in trial mode.
  • BricsCAD versions V14 to V16: Install the 32-bits version.
  • BricsCAD versions before V14: If you like to evaluate BricsCAD's VBA environment, please contact us.