Arrays of Components
BricsCAD allows you to insert the same component multiple times in a regular way. All inserts can be distributed uniformly (at the same distance) along a line, a circle, or an arbitrary curve. Higher-order patterns (for example: rectangular or cylindrical) are also supported. This is achieved by using the technology of associative arrays: rectangular, polar, and path.
Associative arrays are persistent entities, which can be edited (manually or automatically) at any moment after creation to change the number of elements or distance between them. All arrays in your model are listed in the Mechanical Browser panel, where they can be edited.
All components can be arrayed - including parts, subassemblies, standard parts, and holes.
Create an array of components
Use one of the array tools from Mechanical workspace:
in the Ribbon, in the- Rectangular Array
- Polar Array
- Path Array
Another way to create an array of component is to use the Insert Component tool .
Arrays of components in the Mechanical Browser
Arrays of components are represented as special nodes in the Mechanical Browser panel. They are named after the array type (Rectangular, Polar, or Path) followed with semicolon and the index of the array (for example, Rectangular:1, Polar:2, Path:3). These nodes have the same properties as regular associative arrays. The properties can be used to change the number of elements in the array, distance/angle between them, and other array parameters. You can also assign a persistent expression to any property. It will be used to automatically recompute the value of the property upon changing its driving parameters.
- Under Source node you can find the inserted component and its parameters.
- Elements node can be expanded into a list of array elements, with the possibility to hide or change the visual style of a particular element inside the array.
Arrays of components and Bill of Materials
Arrays of components are transparent for product structure. Components inside arrays are considered as inserted directly into the same assembly. So, in top‐level BOM, components inserted into top‐level arrays are listed as top‐level components.
The Quantity column in BOM is filled with the total number of inserts of the same component including the components inside arrays.
Arrays of parametric components, parametric blocks, external parametric references, standard parts, and holes
To provide availability of blocks' parameters inside an array, parameters must be linked (using the Link to parameter context menu command) before the array creation. After the array creation, parameters will be available for editing in the Parameters Manager panel.
The link to the parameter is removed, but it can be restored again for array's blocks parameters using the same Link to parameter context menu item. Technically, the parameters are associated with the source element of an array. When this source element is edited parametrically, all other items of the array are changed after it.
For the former implementation of parametric components (MECHANICALBLOCKS system variable is Off and BMINSERT is used) parameters of the components nested inside array are available simply after the array creation.
Standard parts and holes are parametric components and you can edit their parameters inside the arrays. You can easily create a part with many holes and you can control the hole number, positions, and size parametrically plus insert a parametric bolt. This technology allows you to create parametric flange assembly with multiple configurations.