You can save a BOM configuration as a template and use it to create new BOM tables. The default template to create a new BOM table is stored in BOMTEMPLATE system variable. The template file contains all necessary data. It includes table type, title, filter, and set of columns with all the associated properties. You can use <NAME> in the title as a placeholder for the actual name of the assembly. For example, if your assembly name is 'My Assembly' and the title of the BOM is specified as Bill of Materials for <NAME>, the BOM title will be 'Bill of Materials for My Assembly', because 'My Assembly' replaces <NAME>.
By default, BOM template files have a .bom extension.
A BOM template file is an extension of the Data Extraction Definition file (.dxd). However, you cannot use a .dxd file as a BOM template, because some BOM-specific data will be missing. You cannot use a .bom file to define a DataExtraction template.
You can edit template files in any text editor. However, Bricsys recommends to use the BMBOM command or the BOM manager to create and edit template files.