Thread feature

Use the DMTHREAD command to create a thread feature.

The following picture shows the thread structure:
A thread feature has the following parameters:
  • Thread standard

    It is a set of standard threads. This list can be extended with a custom thread. When you change the standard, the geometry will be rebuilt automatically.

  • Pitch of the thread.
  • Length of the thread.
  • Diameter of the thread.
  • Type of the thread: male or female. If the type is set as auto, the type will be determined automatically.

Adding a thread configuration

  1. Right-click on the feature in the Mechanical Browser panel.
  2. Select Replace Table.
  3. Select a CSV file with the following configuration:
    Size,Diameter,Pitch Name1, Diameter_value1, Pitch_value1 Name2, Diameter_value2, Pitch_value2 Name3, Diameter_value3, Pitch_value3