Drawing solids
2D Solids are rectangular, square, triangular or quadrilateral areas filled with a solid color.

Left to right: quadrilateral, rectangular, square and triangular solids

The Solid tool is available on:
- the Draw menu
- the Draw toolbar
- the Draw ribbon panel
General procedure
- Launch the SOLID command.
Prompts you: Set first point of plane or [Rectangle/Square/Triangle]:
- Specify a point.
Prompts you: Second point:
- Specify a point.
Prompts you: Third point of plane:
- Specify a point.
Prompts you: Fourth point:
- Specify a point.
The solid is created.
Prompts you: Third point of plane:
- Do one of the following:
- Keep specifying points to create more solids.
- Right click to stop.
Note: When the FILLMODE system variable is turned off, all filled entities, such as solids, display and print as outlines.