Associative dimensions
Associative dimensions update automatically when the dimensioned entity is moved or modified.
BricsCAD creates associative dimensions if the value of the DIMASSOC system variable is 2 (default).
The associative property of dimensions also applies to dimensions that are placed in paper space and are associated with model space entities.
If necessary, you can use the DIMREGEN command to update all associative dimensions.

The following Entity Snaps can be used to create associative dimensions: endpoint, midpoint, center, perpendicular, quadrant, insertion, point, intersection, and apparent intersection.
The DIMDISASSOCIATE command removes the associativity from selected dimension entities.
DIMREASSOCIATE command re-associates or associates dimensions to entities or points on entities.
The GENERATEASSOCVIEWS system variable enables the creation of associative dimensions for generated views by the VIEWBASE and VIEWSECTION commands and generated drawings by the BIMSECTIONUPDATE command.
The ANNOMONITOR system variable controls if a disassociated dimension is marked with a warning sign.