Dimensioning tools overview

Dimensioning tools can be found in:

  • The Dimensions toolbar.
  • The Dimensions menu.
  • The Annotate / Dimensions ribbon panel.
  • The Draw tab of the No Selection Quad.
Icon Tool name Command Description
Linear Dimension DIMLINEAR Creates horizontal or vertical linear dimensions.
Aligned Dimension DIMALIGNED Creates linear dimensions which are aligned with the dimension points.
Jog Line DIMJOGLINE Adds or removes jog line to linear or aligned dimensions.
Arc DIMARC Creates arc length dimensions.
Radius DIMRADIUS Creates radial dimensions in circles and circular arcs.
Diameter DIMDIAMETER Creates diametrical dimensions in circles and circular arcs.
Jogged Dimension DIMJOGGED Creates jogged dimension for arcs or circles.
Disassociate Dimensions DIMDISASSOCIATE Removes the associativity from selected dimension entities.
Reassociate Dimensions DIMREASSOCIATE Reassociates or associates dimensions to entities or points on entities.
Angular DIMANGULAR Creates angular dimensions.
Baseline DIMBASELINE Creates stacked linear dimensions.
Continue DIMCONTINUE Creates a chain of linear dimensions, starting from an existing linear dimension entity.
Ordinate DIMORDINATE Creates ordinate dimensions.
Rotated DIMLINEAR Creates rotated linear dimensions.
Make Oblique DIMEDIT + O Makes the extension lines of the selected dimension(s) oblique.
Multileader MLEADER Creates Mleaders (multileaders) using a multileader style.
Edit Multileader MLEADEREDIT Adds leader lines to and removes leader lines from a multileader entity.
Multileader add leaders AIMLEADEREDITADD Adds leader lines to a multileader.
Multileader remove leaders AIMLEADEREDITREMOVE Removes leader lines from a multileader.
Tolerance TOLERANCE Defines the layout of geometric tolerances.
Dimcenter DIMCENTER Draws center lines in circles and circular arcs.
Edit Dimension Text DIMEDIT + E Defines the dimension text of the selected dimension(s).
Rotate Dimension Text DIMEDIT + R Rotates the dimension text of the selected dimension(s).
Reposition Dimension Text DIMTEDIT Lets you reposition the dimension text.
Restore Text Position DIMEDIT Undoes the rotation or repositioning of the dimension text of the selected dimension(s).
Apply Dimension Style DIMSTYLE + A Applies the current dimension style to the selected dimension(s).
Save Dimension Style DIMSTYLE + S Saves the current dimension settings in a new dimension style.
Restore Dimension Style DIMSTYLE Sets the current dimension style.
Dimension Variable Status DIMSTYLE + ST Displays the status of the dimension variables in the Command line and the Prompt History window.
Leader DIMLEADER Creates a leader with or without text.
Quick Leader QLEADER Draws leaders. Lets you specify the properties of the leader through a dialog box and reuse them for a series of leaders.