Editing dimensions
You can edit dimension entities:
- Using grips.
- Edit the dimension text.
- Rotate the dimension text.
- Reposition the dimension text.
- Restore the text position.
- Make the extension lines oblique.
Using grips to edit a linear dimension
- Select the dimension entity.
5 grips display:
2 origin point grips (1)
2 dimension line grips (2)
1 dimension text grip (3)
- (option) Drag the origin point grips to adjust the dimension origin points.
The dimension text is adjusted automatically.
- (option) Drag dimension line grips to move the dimension line.
- (option) Drag the text grip to move the dimension text.
- Depending on the Text movement setting (DIMTMOVE system variable), the dimension line will move along with the text or the text will move independently. A leader will be drawn if the Text movement setting is set to Move text, add leader.
- If two adjacent dimensions (continued dimensions) are selected both, you can move their coinciding grips simultaneously.
Editing the dimension text
Dimension text can be edited:
- in the MText editor:
- using the DDEDIT command
- double clicking the dimension entity
- in the Text override field in the Properties panel.
- using the Edit Text option of the DIMEDIT command.
The following tags can be used to format the dimension text:
- \L (backslash upper case L) starts underlined text, \l (backslash lower case L) to stop underlined text
- <> to add the default dimension text (= measured distance)
- [] to add the alternate units, when alternate units are currently switched off in the dimension style.
- %%d to add the degree symbol (°)
- %%c to add the diameter symbol (
- %%p to add the plus/minus symbol (
e.g. if you type %%c\L<> cm in the Text override field, dimension text displays as:
To rotate the dimension text
- Do one of the following:
- Click the Rotate Dimension Text tool (
) in the Dimensions toolbar or ribbon panel.
- Choose Rotate Dimension Text in the Dimensions menu.
- Launch the DIMEDIT command then choose the Rotate text option.
You are prompted: Angle of dimension text:
- Click the Rotate Dimension Text tool (
- Type a value, then press Enter.
You are prompted: Select entities to rotate text [selection options (?)]:
- Select the dimensions and press enter.
To reposition the dimension text
- Do one of the following:
- Click the Reposition Dimension Text tool (
) in the Dimensions toolbar or the ribbon panel.
- Choose Reposition Dimension Text in the Dimensions menu.
- Launch the DIMTEDIT command.
You are prompted: Select dimensions to reposition text:
- Click the Reposition Dimension Text tool (
- Select the dimension.
The dimension text moves dynamically.
- Click to reposition the dimension text.
To restore the text position
- Do one of the following:
- Click the Restore Text Position tool (
- Choose Restore Text Position in the Dimensions menu.
- Launch the DIMEDIT command and choose the Restore text option.
You are prompted: Select dimensions to restore text to default position [selection options (?)]:
- Click the Restore Text Position tool (
- Select the dimensions, then press Enter.
To make the extension lines oblique
- Do one of the following:
- Click the Make Oblique tool (
) in the Dimensions toolbar or ribbon panel.
- Choose Make Oblique in the Dimensions menu.
- Launch the DIMEDIT command and choose the Oblique lines option.
You are prompted: Select linear dimensions to make oblique [selection options (?)]:
- Click the Make Oblique tool (
- Select the dimension entities, then press Enter.
You are prompted: Enter obliquing angle:
- Type a value, then press Enter.