Finding and replacing text
The FIND command lets you specify the text you want to find. You can than find or replace the text. Optionally you can zoom in on the various instances of the text entities that contain the search text string.
To set the Find and Replace options
- Launch the FIND command.
The Find and Replace dialog box appears.
- Click the Options button.
- Tick the options on the Find and Replace Options dialog box.
- Click the OK button.
To find text
- Launch the FIND command.
The Find and Replace dialog box appears.
- (option) Set the Find and Replace options.
- (option) Click the Select Entities button (
) to compose a selection set.
If no entities are selected, the entire drawing is searched.
- The Find and Replace dialog temporarily closes to let you select entities.
- Right click to conclude the selection of entities.
The Search in field reads Current Selection instead of Entire Drawing.
- Type the search text in the Find Text String field.
- Click the Find button.
- The content of the first text entity that contains the search string is displayed in the Search results panel.
- (option) Click the Zoom To button.
The drawing is zoomed in on the text entity.
- Do one of the following:
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 to find more instances of the same search string.
- Repeat steps 2 through 6 to find another text string.
- Press the Esc key or click the Close button to stop.
To replace text
- Launch the FIND command.
The Find and Replace dialog box appears.
- (option) Set the Find and Replace options.
- (option) Click the Select Entities button (
) to compose a selection set.
If no entities are selected, the entire drawing is searched.
- The Find and Replace dialog temporarily closes to let you select entities.
- Right click to conclude the selection of entities.
The Search in field reads Current Selection instead of Entire Drawing.
- Type the search text in the Find Text String field.
- Type the replacement text in the Replace with field, then press Enter.
All text entities that contain the search string are listed.
- Do one of the following:
- Click an item in the list to highlight the text entity in the drawing, then click the Replace button.
- Click the Replace All button.