Analyzing TIN Surfaces
In BricsCAD, topographical surfaces created as a TIN Surface can be analyzed using different tools.
About TIN Volume
A TIN volume surface provides an exact difference between the base and comparison surfaces. Therefore, the Z-value of any point in the volume surface is precisely the difference between the Z of the comparison surface at that point and the base surface at that point. A TIN Volume Surface is drawn as a custom entity with additional fill/cut volume properties.
You can use TIN Volume to calculate or analyze earthworks:
- Calculate fill/cut volumes inside bounding area.
- Draw zero contours which divide fill and cut areas.
- Visualize the mass distribution.
Creating a TIN Volume
In the following procedures, a TIN Volume is created. Choose whether the volume is associative or not. If associativity is turned on, the TIN Volume Surface is automatically updated if base or comparison surfaces are changed. To disable or enable the associativity, follow these steps:
- Type SETTINGS in the Command line and press Enter. The Settings dialog box opens.
- Go to .
- Tick or untick TIN Volume Surfaces are associative.

Creating a TIN Volume using a comparison TIN Surface
- Launch the TINVOLUME command.
- Choose a base surface. In this example, the green TIN surface is chosen as the base surface.
- Choose a comparison surface. In this example, the red grading is chosen as the comparison surface.
- Select a bounding area as the area to apply the operation or press Enter. The outer boundary of the surface will be used as a boundary.
- The TIN Statistics category appears under the TIN Surface Properties panel and displays the Cut volume and Fill volume inside bounding area:The Tin Volume Surface Properties panel under the Data category contains information about:
- Name
- Description
- Base surface (read-only)
- Comparison surface (read-only)
- Bounding polygon (read-only)
Creating a TIN Volume using Elevation
- Launch the TINVOLUME command.
- Choose a base surface.
- Select Elevation in the Command line.
- Choose the elevation height.
- Select a bounding area as the area to apply the operation or press ENTER. The outer boundary of the surface will be used as a boundary.
About TIN Water Drop
The TINWATERDROP command creates water drop paths in real-time by moving the cursor over a TIN Surface. A water path is created as a 3D polyline in the current position if you click the mouse button.
Procedure: Creating a water drop path
- Launch the TINWATERDROP command.
- Select the TIN surface.
Move the cursor over the surface, a line representing the drop path is shown in real-time.
Note: A colored water drop path is more clearly visible. To color the water drop path, change the current layer to another color, e.g. red. - Left click the mouse to create a 3D polyline of the water drop path.