Manage Customizations dialog box

The Manage Customizations dialog box provides a list of all customizations for confirming and reversing changes made to the user interface.

To open the dialog box, first run the Customize command. This opens the Customize dialog box. Click Manage your customizations... to open the Manage Customizations dialog box.

  1. Customizations
  2. Added
  3. Modified
  4. Removed
  5. Retain customizations
  6. Revert to defaults


Lists all added, modified or removed customizations.

Note: You can check a customization to retain the modification in the CUI.


Items you have created display in green.


Items you have modified display in blue.


Items you have removed display in red.

Retain customizations

Keeps your local default CUI as it is.

Revert to defaults

Reverts your local default CUI to the default one installed by BricsCAD in:

C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V23 en_US\UserDataCache\Support\en_US\classic-ribbon.cui.