Nearest distance
The Nearest Distance feature allows you to dynamically view and modify the distance between two selected entities or subentities. In addition, the aligned nearest distances along the X-, Y-, and Z-axes of the WCS are displayed.
Double clicking a Nearest Distance field:
- Toggles the display of the X-, Y- and Z-axis aligned distance fields.
- Zooms out to fully display the selected entities if necessary.
The NEARESTDISTANCE system variable controls the display of the Nearest Distance feature.
Using Nearest Distance
Select the first entity or subentity*.
Select the second entity or subentity*.
The nearest distance displays.
The arrowhead points to the second entity.
(option) Double click a distance field to zoom out to fully display the selected (sub)entities and/or toggle the display of the aligned nearest distances along the X-, Y- and Z-axes.
(option) Click a distance field and type a value.
The second entity is moved.
* Press and hold the Ctrl-key to select a subentity.
You can use the Nearest Distance feature to:
- Measure the distance between two entities or subentities.
- Adjust the distance between a (sub)entity and a block.
- Modify the dimensions of a rectangle.
- Adjust the distance between 3D solids.
- Edit the width of a 3D solid.
- Measure and edit the height of 3D solid.