Projects are especially useful to manage Xrefs and images when exchanging drawings. If external references (Xrefs) and images are not found in the saved path, the project search paths are used to find the external references and images.
Projects are saved in the registry and contain one or more search paths.
Accessing the Project settings
- Launch the SETTINGS command.
The Settings dialog box opens.
- Go to .
Creating projects
Edit the PROJECTSEARCHPATHS system variable.
- Click the Browse button at the right hand side of the Project search paths settings field.
The Project Settings dialog box appears.
- To create the first project:
- Click the Add Project or Path button on the Project Settings dialog box.
A new project is added.
- Type a name to replace the NewProject1 default name.
- Click the Add Project or Path button on the Project Settings dialog box.
- To create additional projects:
Click Projects (on top of the projects tree) or select an existing project.
- Click the Add Project or Path button.
A new project is added.
- Type a name to replace the NewProject1 default name.
Adding search paths to a project
- Edit the PROJECTSEARCHPATHS system variable.
Select the project in the Projects tree.
- Click the Add Project or Path button.
A path is added to the project.
Type a name for the new path.
- Click the Browse button.
The Choose a Path dialog box appears.
Browse to a folder, then click the Select Folder button.
- Repeat the previous steps to add more search paths to a project.
Changing the order of the search paths
- Edit the PROJECTSEARCHPATHS system variable.
- Expand the project in the Projects tree.
- Select a search path, then click the up or down buttons to change the order of the search paths.
Assigning a project to the current drawing
- Edit the PROJECTNAME system variable.
- Type a project name in the settings field.