Copying entities
The COPY command duplicates entities within the current drawing. The default method is to create a selection set and then specify a starting point (base point) and an endpoint (second point) for the copy. You can also specify the displacement as a direction vector (X,Y,Z).
Depending on the COPYMODE system variable, you can create multiple copies of the selection set or just one.
The COPYCLIP command copies entities to the clipboard, which you can then paste in the current drawing or in another drawing using the PASTECLIP or the PASTEBLOCK commands.

General procedure
- Launch the COPY command.
You are prompted: Select entities to copy [selection options (?)]:
- Select an entity.
Entities in set: 1
- You are prompted: Select entities to copy [selection options (?)]:
Current copy mode: Multiple
You are prompted: Enter base point [Displacement/mOde] <Displacement>:
- Specify a point.
The copied selection moves dynamically.
You are prompted: Enter second point or [Array] <Use base point as displacement>:
- Specify a point.
A first copy of the selection is created.
A second copy moves dynamically.
You are prompted: Enter second point [Undo/Array/Repeat/Exit]:
- Do one of the following:
- Keep specifying points to create multiple copies.
- Press Enter to stop.
Using the Repeat option
- Execute steps 1-5 of the general procedure (see above).
You are prompted: Enter second point [Undo/Array/Repeat/Exit]:
- Choose the Repeat option.
Multiple copies at regular intervals are created when you move the cursor.
You are prompted: Select end point (<ENTER> to key in number of repeats):
- Do one of the following:
Click when the desired number of copies is displayed.
- Press Enter.
You are prompted: Enter number of repeats <1>:
Type the desired number of copies, then press Enter.
Using the Array option
- Execute steps 1-4 of the general procedure (see above).
You are prompted: Enter second point or [Array] <Use base point as displacement>:
- Choose the Array option.
You are prompted: Enter number of items to array:
- Specify the number of items.
The array is dynamically displayed.
You are prompted: Enter second point or [Fit]:
- Do one of the following:
Specify a point to define the distance between each item in the array.
- Choose the Fit option.
You are prompted: Enter second point or [Array]:
Specify a point to define the distance between the first and the last item in the array.
- Do one of the following:
- Keep creating copies.
- Press Enter to stop.
Copying a selection as a block
Select the entities you want to copy as a block.
- Launch the COPYBASE command.
You are prompted: Select base point:
- Specify a point.
xx selected
(option) Switch to another drawing.
- Launch the PASTEBLOCK command.
You are prompted: Select insertion point:
- Specify a point.
The selection is pasted as a block.
- (option) Launch the EXPBLOCKS command and rename the block in the Drawing Explorer / Blocks dialog box.
Copying entities between drawings
Entities can be copied between drawings using the following methods:
- COPYCLIP and PASTECLIP*: to copy the selection using a default base point.
- COPYCLIP and PASTEORIG: to copy the selection using the coordinates of the source drawing.
- COPYBASE and PASTECLIP*: to copy the selection using a user-defined base point.
- COPYBASE and PASTEBLOCK: to copy the selection as a block in the target drawing.
* Press Enter at the ‘Specify insertion point’ prompt to paste the selection using the coordinates of the source drawing (= equivalent of the PASTEORIG command).