Mirroring entities

The MIRROR command creates a mirrored copy of a selection set. The selection is mirrored along a mirror line, which you define by specifying two points. You can choose to either delete or retain the original entities.

The MIRROR3D command creates a mirrored copy of selected entities in three-dimensional space. In this case the selection is mirrored along a mirror plane, which can be defined by either specifying three points, selecting an existing two-dimensional planar entity, aligning the plane parallel to the XY, YZ, or XZ plane of the current UCS, or aligning the plane with the current view. You can choose to either delete or retain the original entities.

Note: Whether text is mirrored or not by the MIRROR command is controlled by the MIRRTEXT system variable.

Mirroring entities along a line

  1. Launch the MIRROR command.

    You are prompted: Select entities to mirror [selection options (?)]:

  2. Select an entity.

    Entities in set: 1

    You are prompted: Select entities to mirror [selection options (?)]:

  3. Select more entities or press Enter to stop selecting.

    You are prompted: Start of mirror line:

  4. Specify a point.

    The selection set rotates dynamically.

    You are prompted: End of mirror line:

  5. Specify a point.

    The selection is mirrored.

    You are prompted: Delete the original entities? [Yes-delete entities/No-keep entities] <No-keep entities>:

  6. Decide whether or not to keep the original entities.

Mirroring entities along a plane

  1. Launch the MIRROR3D command.

    You are prompted: Select entities to mirror [selection options (?)]:

  2. Select an entity.

    Entities in set: 1

    You are prompted: Select entities to mirror [selection options (?)]:

  3. Select more entities or press Enter to stop selecting.

    You are prompted: Define mirror plane by [Entity/Last/View/Z axis/X-Y plane/Y-Z plane/Z-X plane/3 points] <3 points>:

  4. Press Enter to accept the 3 points method to define the mirror plane.

    You are prompted: First point on plane:

  5. Specify a point.

    You are prompted: Second point on plane:

  6. Specify a point.

    You are prompted: Third point on plane:

  7. Specify a point.

    You are prompted: Delete the original entities? [Yes-delete entities/No-keep entities] <No-keep entities>:

  8. Decide whether or not to keep the original entities.