Drawing recovery manager panel
The Drawing Recovery Manager panel displays a list of drawing files that can be recovered after a program or system failure.
After a program or system failure, a notification balloon displaying a drawing recovery message appears the next time you start the application. When you click on Open Panel link in the notification balloon, the Drawing Recovery Manager panel opens and displays a list of all drawing files that were open, including .dwg, .dwt and .dws files. A new unsaved drawing can be found in the Drawing Recovery Manager panel if the corresponding autosave file (.sv$) was created while editing the new drawing.

- Backup Files
- Details
Backup Files
- DrawingFileName_recover.dwg
- DrawingFileName_a_b_nnnn.sv$
- DrawingFileName.dwg
- DrawingFileName.bak
Recovered drawings are added to the Recent Files list and removed from the Drawing Recovery Manager panel the next time the program is launched.
Right-click on any item to display the context menu to access different actions depending on the selected item.

- Open all drawings: opens all files from that folder.
- Remove: removes the folder from the panel without recovering the files.

- Open: opens the file.
- Save as .dwg: saves the file as a dwg file.

- Open: opens the dwg file.
Displays a few details for the selected file, such as the name, location and size of the file and the time it was last saved.