Adding the Redway material library
Materials in the folder linked under RENDERMATERIALSPATH appear in the Render materials panel. To add the Redway Material Library, follow this procedure:
- Download:
- Unzip the downloaded file and copy the path of the folder. The path should end with:
- ...\all_redway_materials
- ...\AmbientCG
- In the Render Materials panel, click the hamburger menu ().
- Select Manage libraries in the menu.
The Settings dialog box is displayed with the RENDERMATERIALSPATH system variable selected.
- Click the Browse button ().
The Path List dialog box appears.
- Click the Add Path button.
An empty path field is added.
- Do one of the following:
- Paste the path you have copied in the empty path field.
- Click the Browse button (), then select the folder in the Choose a folder dialog box.
The downloaded materials appear in the Render Materials panel.