Redrawing and regenerating a drawing
The screen display of a drawing is really a simplified version of the drawing database. From time to time, it is necessary to synchronize the screen display and the drawing database.
The following commands are available:
- The REGEN command (short for "regenerate") regenerates the current viewport.
- The REGENALL command (short for "regenerate all") regenerates all viewports.
- The REGENAUTO command controls when BricsCAD automatically regenerates the drawing.
- The REDRAW command redraws the current viewport to clean it up.
- The REDRAWALL command redraws all viewports to clean them up.
The REGENMODE system variable controls whether BricsCAD regenerates the drawing automatically. You can change the status of REGENMODE through the REGENAUTO command. When REGENMODE = ON, BricsCAD regenerates the display automatically, but in a few cases a forced regeneration of the drawing might still be necessary.
Take care not to confuse the REGEN command with the REDRAW command, which simply repaints the screen, without attempting to synchronize the screen display with the drawing database.