Opens the Civil Explorer panel.


Opens the Civil Explorer panel to display it in the current workspace. The Civil Explorer panel appears at the same size and location that it did before it was closed or collapsed. Like any other dockable panel, the Civil Explorer panel can be either floating, docked or stacked.

Civil Explorer is the main panel to manage and access Civil entities. Entities are arranged in a tree view and grouped by entity type.

Through this panel, you can access settings and properties of Civil entities and allows you to edit existing and add new entities and their components.

The panel is divided into two parts. The upper part with list of entities in a tree view, and the bottom part with additional properties, depending on the selection in the tree view.

The Civil Explorer panel is the core panel for Civil design. In the Civil Workspace, click the Civil Explorer icon in the Ribbon under the Home tab to toggle the panel on/off.

Note: Instead of individual Civil points, only point groups are listed on the Civil Explorer. Grading elements are listed in the tree-view, but it is not possible to edit their properties via Civil Explorer.

The Civil Explorer panel contains three tabs: Civil, GIS and Settings.

Civil Tab

If there are no Civil objects in the drawing, three buttons are available within the Civil tab.

  1. Create
  2. Import
  3. Attach civil objects

The Civil tab enables you to manage and access Civil entities in the current drawing.

  1. Create
  2. Import
  3. Attach Civil objects
  4. Pick a Civil object
  5. Civil object types
  6. Selected Civil object
  7. Info
  8. Definitions
  9. Statistics
  10. Visual Styles
Allows you to create all types of the Civil objects. You have to select from the drop down list the Civil object type you want to create.
TIN Surface
Launches the TIN command.
Volume Surface
Launches the TINVOLUME command.
Launches the GRADING command.
Civil point
Launches the CIVILPOINT command.
Point Group
Launches the CIVILPOINTGROUP command.
Launches the STRING command.
Launches the ALIGNMENT command.
Creates corridors.
Launches the CORRIDOR command.
Corridor Template
Launches the CORRIDORTEMPLATE command.
Template Element
Imports civil drawing files.
Import Civil 3D...
Launches the CIVIL3DIMPORT command.
Import LandXML...
Launches the LANDXMLIMPORT command.
Convert Leica DWG
Launches the LEICACONVERT command.
Attach civil objects
Launches the ATTACHCIVILOBJECT command.
Pick a Civil object
Pick a Civil object in the drawing to highlight it in the Civil Explorer panel.
Civil object types
Civil objects are arranged in a tree view. At the top of the tree structure, the types of objects that already exist in the drawing are listed. At the lower level, under each type of objects, the objects that already exist in the drawing are collected.

Right-click the Civil object type to open a context menu that contain the Create option, which launches specific commands to create a selected Civil object.

The right-click menu also contains a Hide option that can toggle the visibility for each type of Civil object.

Selected Civil object
Highlights the selected Civil object in a tree-view.
Right-click the entity to open a context menu that contains entity-specific Edit options, as well as options common to all entities, such as Zoom to, Select, Delete, Pan to, and Hide.

The available edit options depend on the entity type:

Existing points are not listed on the Civil tab in the Civil Explorer. You can create new Civil Points by clicking the Points icon in the Ribbon under the Home tab.
Point Groups
Select the Create option from the context menu to open the Point Group dialog box.

The context menu for already defined Point Groups contains the Civil Point Editor..., Edit point group..., Set styles..., Export points..., Zoom to, Select, Pan to, Delete, and Hide options.

  • Double-click a Point Groups node to open the Civil Point Editor dialog box.
  • Edit point group... option opens the Point Group dialog box.
  • Set styles... option opens the Set Styles dialog box to set the Symbol and Label styles for the point group.
  • Export points... option opens the Export Civil Points dialog box.
TIN Surfaces
Using the Civil Explorer, you can Edit existing and Add new elements to existing TIN Surfaces.
Note: All the options under Add and Edit in the context menu are also available in the TIN and TINEDIT commands.

In addition to these options, you can Update, Create snapshot, or Remove snapshot.

Use the Settings tab in Civil Explorer panel to edit Surface label styles.

Also, TIN surfaces attached to the drawing with the ATTACHCIVILOBJECT command are listed.

Volume Surfaces
Update, Zoom to, Pan to, Select, Delete, and Hide options are available for Volume Surfaces.
In addition to the common options, there are Split and Merge options available for Gradings.
Note: These options are also available in the GRADINGEDIT command.
String Groups
Lists all String groups created. The context menu contains the option Create string group.

In addition to the common options, the context menu of a string group has the options:

Create String
Launches the STRING command.
Allows you to raise or lower the elevation of Strings in selected String Group.
Add to surface as breaklines
Allows you to select the surface from the drop down menu, then opens Add Breaklines dialog box.
Export to LandXML
Allows you to export Strings in LandXML file.
The Alignments entity type collects existing Horizontal Alignments and associated Vertical Alignments, 3D Alignments and Vertical Alignment Views.

Right-click the Horizontal Alignment provides all the Edit options available in the ALIGNMENTEDIT command.

While for Vertical Alignments, Vertical Alignment views and 3D Alignments, the Select, Zoom to, Pan to, Hide, and Delete options are available.

Right-click the existing Corridor provides all the Edit options available in the CORRIDOREDIT command. Besides Edit options, also the Update, Select, Zoom to, Pan to, Hide, and Delete options are available.
Corridor Templates
You can choose between Add template element, Select, Zoom to, Pan to, Hide, and Delete options.
Note: The Add template element option is also available in the CORRIDORTEMPLATE command.
Corridor Template Elements
Right-click the Corridor Template Elements provides all the edit options available in the CORRIDORTEMPLATEELEMENTEDIT command. Besides Edit options, also the common options, such as Select, Zoom to, Pan to, Hide, and Delete are available.
Displays information about the selected Civil object (Name and Description). Both can be edited.
Note: For String Groups, 'Interact with other strings in the group' switch is available.
It shows the components (source data) from which the TIN surface was built, the editing operations used, and the chronological order in which definitions were added.
The surface build process for a TIN surface is incremental. When you add data to a surface or edit the surface, the surface is updated. When data is removed, the surface is rebuilt. The definitions list supports the incremental build process and sequentially shows all operations performed on the surface in its current state.
The ID field indicates in which step each component was added to the TIN Surface.
The context menu offers the possibility to change the order of definitions, to Delete or Disable them. Additionally, for most TIN Surface definitions, there are the options Select and Zoom to, which makes finding them in the drawing very easy. Double click a definition or press the Edit option from the context menu to open the Surface: Surface name, Definition step ID dialog box, which displays all details for the selected definition. You can edit the definition parameters.
The Statistics tab displays the statistics for the selected TIN surface (number of points and triangles, minimum and maximum elevation, 2D and 3D area).
  1. Statistics tab
  2. Statistics data
Visual styles
The Visual styles tab allows you to set the visual styles for the TIN surface:
  • general visual style – choose which components of the TIN surface to display (Border, Points, Triangles).
  • visual style for contours.
  • visual style for the elevation analysis.
  • visual style for the slope analysis.
Enables/disables the display of certain TIN surface components.
Toggles the display of the Boundary line of the TIN surface.
Toggles the display of the Points of the TIN surface.
Toggles the display of the Triangles of the TIN surface.
Specifies parameters for displaying contours on a TIN surface.
Enable Contours
Toggles the display of the Contours of the TIN surface. The visual style of the contours can be adjusted.
Major contours interval
Allows you to enter the interval for the major contours.
Minor contours interval
Allows you to enter the interval for the minor contours.
Major contours color
Allows you to enter the color for the major contours.
Minor contours color
Allows you to enter the color for the minor contours.
Specifies parameters for creating TIN Elevations Analysis.
Enable Elevations
Toggles the display of the Elevations of the TIN surface. The visual style of the elevations can be adjusted.
Create ranges by
Allows you to choose between the methods of creating Elevation Analysis:
  • Number of ranges
  • Range interval
  • Range interval with datum
Color scheme

Allows you to select the color scheme for the Elevation Analysis.

Choose between the available options:

  • Spectrum
  • Earth
  • Hydro
  • Gray
  • Reds
  • Greens
  • Blues
Above datum color scheme
Allows you to select the Above datum color scheme.
Below datum color scheme
Select the Below datum color scheme.
Select the TIN Surface elements used to create the Elevation Analysis.

Choose between the available options:

  • Triangles
  • Contours
  • Points
  • 2D Triangles
  • 2D Contours
Range interval
Specifies the Range interval for the Elevation Analysis.
Number of ranges
Specifies the number of ranges for the Elevation Analysis.
Specifies the datum elevation.
Specifies parameters for creating TIN Slopes Analysis.
Enable Slopes
Toggles the display of the Slopes of the TIN surface. The visual style of the slopes can be adjusted.
Color Scheme
Allows you to select the color scheme for the Slopes Analysis.

Choose between the available options:

  • Spectrum
  • Earth
  • Hydro
  • Gray
  • Reds
  • Greens
Select the TIN Surface elements used to create the Slopes Analysis.
Choose between the available options:
  • Triangles
  • 2D Triangles


GIS Tab contains a list of all the GIS layers in the drawing and helps you manage their visibility.

If there is no GIS layer in the drawing, there are three options on the GIS tab:

  • Import GIS Layer
  • Create GIS Layer
  • Convert from Object Data
  1. Import GIS layers
  2. Create group and Create GIS layer
  3. Convert from Object Data
  4. GIS tree view
Import GIS layers
Allows you to import ESRI SHP or ESRI Geodatabase files. Check the GISIMPORT command for the detailed description of GIS Import dialog box.
Create GIS layer
Allows you to create a New GIS Layer. The Create New GIS Layer dialog opens when the command is launched:
Allows you to enter the new Layer name.
Geometry type
Allows you choose between the following geometry types:
  • Point
  • Line
  • Polygon
Add Field
Adds a new field.

When clicking the Add field button, a new field is added to Fields list, with the default name NewField and default type String. You can edit the Name and Type fields.

The following field Types are available:

  • String
  • Real
  • Integer

Click the trash icon in the table to delete fields.

When you first open the table of a newly created GIS Layer, the table is empty. To add GIS features to the GIS Layer, click the button Add GIS features. Select linear entities in the drawing and press Enter. The GIS Attribute table dialog box contains selected GIS features with appropriate GIS data.

Convert from Object Data
Converts AutoCAD® Map3D GIS features from current drawing to BricsCAD GIS data.
GIS tree view
Lists all GIS layers and groups.
Note: You can rearrange groups and GIS layers by using drag and drop.

The following context menu opens when you right-click a GIS Layer:

Open attribute table...
Opens the GIS Attributes Table dialog box.
Edit GIS layer
Opens Edit GIS Layer dialog box.
Selects the GIS Layer.
Zoom to
Zooms to the GIS Layer.
Add GIS features
Adds entities to a GIS Layer. A command prompt for selecting linear entities in the drawing is shown. The GIS Attributes Table dialog box opens where the new GIS features are added at the end of the table.
Export GIS layer
Exports the GIS layer.
Remove GIS layer
Removes the GIS layer.

The following context menu opens when you right-click a Group:

Rename group
Renames the group.
Add sub-group
Adds a sub-group.
Remove group
Removes the group.

Settings Tab

The Settings tab manages the civil entity styles and formats.

  1. General
  2. Civil Points
  3. Surfaces
Defines the general symbol and label styles for civil entities.
Symbol styles
Lists predefined and custom-created symbol styles. You can Create, Edit, Copy, or Delete a symbol style. Click the corresponding option from the context menu to open the Symbol Style dialog box.
Line Label Styles
Lists predefined and custom-created line label styles.
Curve label Styles
Lists predefined and custom-created curve label styles.

The context menu contains the Create, Edit, Copy, or Delete options. Click the corresponding option to open the Label Style Editor dialog box.

Civil Points
Defines civil points file formats and label styles for civil points.
Point File Formats
Lists predefined and custom-created point file formats. The list can be managed by double-clicking or pressing the Edit option from the context menu which opens the Manage Point File Formats dialog box.

Predefined point file formats:

  • NameENZ (comma delimited)
  • NameENZ (semicolon delimited)
  • NameENZ (space delimited)
  • NameENZD (comma delimited)
  • NameENZD (semicolon delimited)
  • NameENZD (space delimited)
  • NameNEZ (comma delimited)
  • NameNEZ (semicolon delimited)
  • NameNEZ (space delimited)
  • NameNEZD (comma delimited)
  • NameNEZD (semicolon delimited)
  • NameNEZD (space delimited)
  • PENZ (comma delimited)
  • PENZ (semicolon delimited)
  • PENZ (space delimited)
  • PENZD (comma delimited)
  • PENZD (semicolon delimited)
  • PENZD (space delimited)
  • PNEZ (comma delimited)
  • PNEZ (semicolon delimited)
  • PNEZ (space delimited)
  • PNEZD (comma delimited)
  • PNEZD (semicolon delimited)
  • PNEZD (space delimited)


  • P is Point Number
  • E is Easting
  • N is Northing
  • Z is Elevation
  • D is Raw Description
  • Name is for points that contain alphanumeric values for the point number. Also, the point name supports alphanumeric values.
Label Styles
Lists the available label styles for Civil Points. The context menu allows you to Create, Edit, Copy, or Delete a label style. Create, Edit and Copy options open the Label Style Editor dialog box which allows you to define a new label style.
Defines surface file formats and label styles for Contour, Slope and Spot elevation.
Surface File Formats
Lists predefined and custom-created surface file formats. The list can be managed by double-clicking or pressing the Edit option from the context menu that opens the Manage Point File Formats dialog box.
Label styles
Lists predefined and custom-created styles for Contour, Slope and Spot elevation. The context menu allows you to Edit, Copy, or Delete a label style. The Edit and Copy options open the Label Style Editor dialog box which allows you to define a new label style.