CONNECT command

Connects coplanar lines, arcs and/or polylines.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Allows you to connect one or more coplanar lines, arcs and/or polylines whose start and/or end points don’t overlap by trimming and extending as needed. The connected entities are then joined into one or more polylines, when possible.


The command finds and hierarchically closes the gaps between the selected entities. Based on the distribution of gap sizes, small gaps are closed first (see differences between (1) and (2) and the corresponding results). Entities whose extensions do not intersect are ignored.

Note: The underlying geometric definition of the input entities is not changed.

Running the command a second time on the same selection set can result in additional gaps being closed (e.g. gaps between nearly parallel entities (4) ) that were previously considered much larger than the other gaps (3).

The CONNECT command can also be applied to collinear lines, to combine these into a single line or polyline segment. There can be exceptions when multiple (pairs of) lines converge in the same point. In all cases, smaller gaps are closed first.

Note: The gap size between two entities (lines and/or arcs) is defined as the sum of the distances between the current end points of the entities and the possible connection point. This is exemplified in the images below that show small gaps (in blue) and big gaps (in red), and the command's results for the two situations.

Options within the command

Select entities
Lets you select entities to connect.
Entire drawing
Selects all entities in the drawing to connect.
selection options (?)
Lists all additional selection methods.