DIMIM command (Express Tools)

Imports dimension styles and their settings from an external file.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Opens the Import DimensionStyles dialog box that allows you to import dimension styles that were previously exported using the DIMEX command.

  1. File...
  2. Dimension styles used
  3. Textstyles used
  4. Linetypes used
  5. Import


Opens the Select import file dialog box that allows you to choose a DSE file to import. All dimension styles in the selected file are imported into the current drawing, including the text styles and linetypes.

Note: The DSE file must have the same format as that generated by the DIMEX command.

Dimension styles used

Displays the dimension styles from the DSE file and allows you to select the dimension styles to import into the current drawing.

Note: Tick the Override existing dimension styles option to overwrite the dimension styles in the current drawing and use the similarly named dimension style from the DSE file.

Textstyles used

Displays the text styles from the DSE file.

Note: Tick the Override existing textstyles option to overwrite the text styles in the current drawing and use the similarly named text style from the DSE file.

Linetypes used

Displays the linetypes from the DSE file.

Note: Tick the Override existing linetypes option to overwrite the linetypes in the current drawing and use the similarly named linetypes from the DSE file.


Imports the selected dimension styles from the DSE file.