Places distant lights for renderings.

Places distant lights for use with renderings. Distant lights represent sources that are far off, such as the sun, and so does not display a glyph in drawings.
Note: having DEFAULTLIGHTING=1 will open a dialog box where you are asked.
Options within the command
- Name
- Specifies a name for the light.
- Intensity factor
- Indicates the relative brightness of the light.
- Status
- Toggles the light on and off
- Photometry
- Specifies the parameters for color and intensity.
- shadoW
- Specifies the look of shadows, if any.
- filterColor
- Sets the color of the light.
- Vector
- The direction of the light beams can be defined by a vector, whose XYZ tuple determines the direction of the light, starting at infinity. The default direction points up, in the Z direction.