DMSELECT command
Selects edges and faces of 3D solids or surfaces based on their geometric properties.

Allows you to select a group of faces which form a geometric feature, such as a protrusion, a depression, etc. You can combine different options of this command, e.g. select all fillets whose radius is less than a given value. Select the faces or edges whose characteristics will be considered as the selection set's pattern.
Options within the command
- Attribute
- Radius
- Selects faces/edges by radius.
- Area
- Selects faces by area.
- Length
- Selects edges by length.
- Type
- Selects faces/edges by their geometric type.
- Offset
- Selects faces/edges by their offset value.
- Exclude short fillets
- Excludes short fillets from the selection. This option might be useful when working with imported sheet metal parts.
Then choose between:
- from Sample
- Uses the value of the sample face/edge.
- Value
- Type a value in the Command line.Note: In case of a non-zero value, you may filter entities as Less/Less or eQual/Equal/Greater or eQual/Greater.
- Relation
- Coincident
- Selects coincident faces/edges.
- Parallel
- Selects parallel faces/edges.
- coAxial
- Selects coaxial faces/edges.
- Smooth
- Selects the smooth side of a part.
- Primitive
- Face
- Selects faces.
- Edge
- Selects edges.
- Loop
- Selects edge loops.Note: The preselection will determine the result. It is necessary to select a set of connected faces. The command will then select all edges, which describe the border of the selection set; internal edges will be skipped. If the result contains multiple loops and you want only one, the preselection should contain a set of connected faces one edge of the desired output loop. If none of the loops of the selection set contains the selected edge, the output will be empty.
- edge Network
- Finds an adjacent edge which has similar convexity for a given input edge.
- feaTure
- Protrusion
- Selects protrusions.
- Depression
- Selects depressions.
- Fillet
- Selects fillets.
- fillet Network
- Selects fillet networks.
- Chamfer
- Selects chamfers.
- Chamfer Network
- Selects chamfer networks.
- Select seed
- The selected set of faces /edges should be considered as seed elements for features selection.
- Subset
- Select the subsets to be considered as seed elements for features selection.
- sKip
- The entire model is considered as seed for features selection.
- Finish
- Finishes the command.