Stretches one or more 3D solids along an axis.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Allows you to stretch one or more 3D solids along an axis defined by two points. The command creates two intersection surfaces perpendicular to the selected axis and isolates the region of the target solid(s) between those intersection surfaces. You can then stretch this region along the axis direction by moving the mouse or typing a new length for the region.

Note: If one of the solids was created as a Sketch Based Feature solid (CREATESKETCHFEATURE system variable is ON), a warning prompts you to confirm if you want to remove the feature.

Options within the command

set Continuity
Specifies the type of continuity to use (G0 or G1) where the surfaces meet.
Swap fixed side
Swaps the fixed side.