Draws one or multiple polyline entities, fit to the characteristic points of the input entities. The command minimizes accumulated perpendicular distances to the points of the selected entities. The command works with every type of entity, as long as it has characteristic points.
There are two ways to define the input to the FITPOLYLINE command:
Select fitting entities: choose the entities to which the polyline should be fit.
Use entire drawing: select all non-frozen entities in the current viewport.
Pick a point for Start of polyline. The guideline is used as a visual aid for the user, helping to pick the envisioned polyline vertices.
The points used by the command to fit the polyline.
The suggested guideline.
The polyline.
Options within the command
use Entire drawing
Selects all non-frozen entities in the current viewport.
Select fitting entities
Allows you to select the entities to which the polyline should be fit.
If you select a point cloud and a section, the FITPOLYLINE command automatically looks for points inside that section and works with these points.
If you select a point cloud but not a section, the application asks to select a section.
If you select a section but not a point cloud, the application asks to select a point cloud.
Selection contained multiple pointclouds, select one
Allows you to select a specific point cloud.
Note: This option becomes available when there is more than one point cloud in the selection set.
Selection contained multiple sections, select one
Allows you to select a specific section.
Note: This option becomes available when there is more than one section in the selection set.
change section crop mOde
Allows you to choose between points Inside section and points Below section.
Start the polyline
Choose a point and start the polyline.
fit Lines
Fits a linear polyline segment to the points between the last fixed polyline vertex and the mouse position.
Note: See the FITLINE command.
fit Arcs
Fits an arc polyline segment between the points between the last fixed polyline vertex and the mouse position.
Note: See the FITARC command.
Best fit
The algorithm automatically decides whether a linear or an arc polyline segment is best suited to fit the points between the last fixed polyline vertex and the mouse position.
Note: If the HOTKEYASSISTANT system variable is set ON, press the Ctrl key to cycle between the fit options.
Undoes the last action.
Close polyline
Closes the polyline.
start New polyline
Starts a new polyline.
Note: Press the Esc key once to end the current polyline and start a new polyline.
Note: Press the Esc key twice to finish the command.