ACIS modeler settings.
Specifies settings for the ACIS modeler.
There are 14 methods to set ACIS modeling properties:
- view Properties
- USe facetres
- Surface tolerance
- Normal tolerance
- Max grid lines
- Edge length
- grid aspect Ratio
- Adjust mode
- Grid mode
- Triangulation mode
- min U grid lines
- min V grid lines
- mass properties aCcuracy
- check Level
Note: Turning on FACETRES turns off all other settings.
To adjust the Hidden Line Accuracy setting, use the MODELPROPERTIES command.
Options within the command
- view Properties
- Reports the value of each setting.
- USe facetres
- Reads the value of the FACETRES variable to set the smoothness of shaded and rendered scenes.
- Surface tolerance
- Sets the value for the SPANORMALTOL variable.
- Normal tolerance
- Sets the value for the SPASURFACETOL variable.
- Max grid lines
- Sets the value for the SPAMAXNUMGRIDLINES variable.
- Edge length
- Sets the value for the SPAMAXFACETEDGELENGTH variable.
- grid aspect Ratio
- Sets the value for the SPAGRIDASPECTRATIO variable.
- Adjust mode
- Sets the value for the SPAADJUSTMODE variable.
- Grid mode
- Sets the value for the SPAGRIDMODE variable.
- Triangulation mode
- Sets the value for the SPATRIANGMODE variable.
- min U grid lines
- Sets the value for the SPAMINUGRIDLINES variable.
- min V grid lines
- Sets the value for the SPAMINVGRIDLINES variable.
- mass properties aCcuracy
- Sets the value for the MASSPROPACCURACY variable.
- check Level
- Sets the value for the SPACHECKLEVEL variable.