ACIS modeler settings.

BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Specifies settings for the ACIS modeler.


There are 14 methods to set ACIS modeling properties:

  • view Properties
  • USe facetres
  • Surface tolerance
  • Normal tolerance
  • Max grid lines
  • Edge length
  • grid aspect Ratio
  • Adjust mode
  • Grid mode
  • Triangulation mode
  • min U grid lines
  • min V grid lines
  • mass properties aCcuracy
  • check Level
Note: Turning on FACETRES turns off all other settings.

To adjust the Hidden Line Accuracy setting, use the MODELPROPERTIES command.

Options within the command

view Properties
Reports the value of each setting.
USe facetres
Reads the value of the FACETRES variable to set the smoothness of shaded and rendered scenes.
Surface tolerance
Sets the value for the SPANORMALTOL variable.
Normal tolerance
Sets the value for the SPASURFACETOL variable.
Max grid lines
Sets the value for the SPAMAXNUMGRIDLINES variable.
Edge length
Sets the value for the SPAMAXFACETEDGELENGTH variable.
grid aspect Ratio
Sets the value for the SPAGRIDASPECTRATIO variable.
Adjust mode
Sets the value for the SPAADJUSTMODE variable.
Grid mode
Sets the value for the SPAGRIDMODE variable.
Triangulation mode
Sets the value for the SPATRIANGMODE variable.
min U grid lines
Sets the value for the SPAMINUGRIDLINES variable.
min V grid lines
Sets the value for the SPAMINVGRIDLINES variable.
mass properties aCcuracy
Sets the value for the MASSPROPACCURACY variable.
check Level
Sets the value for the SPACHECKLEVEL variable.