MKLTYPE command (Express Tools)

Creates a linetype based on selected entities.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Opens the MKLTYPE - Select Linetype file to create dialog box that allows you to save the linetype definition.

To create the linetype definition specify the linetype name, a description (optional), and the start point and end point.

Options within the command

Specify linetype name
Specify a name for the linetype.
Enter (optional) description for linetype
Type a description for the linetype.
Note: Press Enter to leave this field blank.
Specify start point for linetype definition
Allows you to define the starting point for the linetype definition (1).
Specify end point for linetype definition
Allows you to define the ending point for the linetype definition (2).
Select entities
Allows you to select the entities you want to use (3 and 4).
Note: Supported entities: point, line, polyline, text, shape entities (created with MKSHAPE command).

In the following image there are illustrated two shape entities.

The linetype is automatically loaded in the current drawing.