-OSNAP command
Toggles entity snap modes.

Alias: -OS, ESNAP
Toggles entity snap modes at the Command line (short for "object snap").
Note: Entity snaps help you draw and edit precisely by snapping the cursor to the nearest geometric feature.
Options within the command
- NEArest
- Toggles Nearest entity snap mode. Snaps to the nearest point on any entity.
- ENDpoint
- Toggles Endpoint entity snap mode. Snaps to the endpoints of open entities, such as lines, arcs, open polylines, and open splines.
- MIDpoint
- Toggles Midpoint entity snap mode. Snaps to the midpoint of open entities.
- CENter
- Toggles Center entity snap mode. Snaps to the center of circular entities, such as circles, arcs, and polyarcs.
- GeometriC cEnter
- Toggles Geometric center entity snap mode. Snaps to the centroid of any closed polylines and splines, planar 3d polylines, regions and planar faces of 3D solids.
- PERpendicular
- Toggles Perpendicular entity snap mode. Snaps to the perpendicular of one entity to another.
- TANgent
- Toggles Tangent entity snap mode. Snaps to the tangencies of circular entities.
- QUAdrant
- Toggles Quadrant entity snap mode. Snaps to the quadrant points of circular entities, such as circles, arcs, and polyarcs.
- INSertion point
- Toggles Insertion entity snap mode. Snaps to the insertion point of blocks and text.
- POInt
- Toggles Node entity snap mode. Snaps to point entities.
- EXTension
- Toggles Extension entity snap mode. Snaps to the intersection of open entities, as if they were extended to the point of intersection.
- PARallel
- Toggles Parallel entity snap mode. Snaps to the parallel point of entities. Allows to draw lines, polyline segments, xlines and rays parallel to another entity.
- INTersection
- Toggles the Intersection entity snap mode. Snaps to the intersection of any pair of entities.
- APParent intersection
- Toggles the Apparent intersection entity snap mode. Snaps to the apparent intersection of entities in 3D space.
- clear entity snaps (NON)
- Clears entity snaps.
- ON
- Turns all entity snap modes on.
- Turns all entity snap modes off.
Note: Modes can also be turned off with the NONE command.