SOLID command
Draws solid-filled polygons.

Alias: PLANE, SO
Draws 3 and 4-sided solid-filled regular and irregular 2D polygons.
Note: Does not draw 3D solids.
There are four methods to draw solid-filled polygons:
- By picking pointsNote: After picking the first point, BricsCAD draws a ghost line to the next point. After specifying the second corner of the polygon, its shape and size can be previewed. If a fourth point is specified, an adjacent polygon is created (the third and fourth points of the first polygon become the first and second points of the second polygon).
- Rectangular
- Square
- Triangle
Options within the command
- Rectangle
- Draws one or more connected solid-filled rectangles.
- Square
- Draws one or more connected solid-filled squares.
- Triangle
- Draws one or more connected equilateral solid-filled triangles.