SPLINE command
Creates a spline.

Alias: SPL
Creates a 2D or 3D spline that is open or closed, or converts an object to a spline.
Set the first point, the second point, and the next ones. You can add unlimited points until you press Enter to end the command.
- Set first point
- Begin creating a spline by specifying the start point.
- Set second point
- Specify the first fit point.
- Set next point
- Specify the next fit point.

- First point of spline (no tangency)
- Second point
- Next point
- End point
Options within the command
- Object
- Converts selected entities in splines.
- start Tangency
- Allows you to specify a tangency for the starting point.
Press Enter to ignore this option.
- end Tangency
- Allows you to specify a tangency for the ending point.
Press Enter to ignore this option and finish the command.
- toLerance
- Sets the fit tolerance. Specify (in drawing units) how closely the spline matches its fit points. If the fit tolerance is 0, the spline passes through its fit points.
- Undo
- Removes the last fit point and continues drawing from the previous fit point.
- Close
- Automatically draws a spline segment between the start and end points to create a closed spline.